Heleus Armor Casual Outfits (appearance swap) Mods
These mods replace the appearance of the Heleus armor with the Casual outfits appearance. I made them for screenarchery purposes but they are still a full armor in action.
- Colors will be the ones you use for your casual outfit.
- Works on both Ryder twins.
- Works with patch 1.08.
- Augmentations slots and mods slots remain when you craft/equip.
- Not compatible with any other mod altering the Heleus armor.
- When equipped the game may take longer to load.
- Ryder may appear wearing the underwear armor, it's only a visual glitch. Choose and equip another armor in the loadout, then re-equip the Heleus armor.
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Hi I can't download it? Im dying to downlaod this its such a good idea! D;
ReplyDeleteis this going to be put up again? I would very much like to download <3